Sourdough Maple Walnut Bread

I found this recipe on King Arthur’s website. Here is the link: The recipe calls for unfed/discard sourdough starter. It also calls for white whole wheat flour. This is not something that I usually keep around and I don’t like buying recipe specific ingredients, but. . .I do love maple flavored anything! This recipe also calls for buttermilk. I…… Continue reading Sourdough Maple Walnut Bread

Sourdough Bagels

This recipIe comes from Amy Duska at Little Spoon Farm. Click here for the recipe: I have always wanted to try to make bagels because I’ve heard that the homemade version is so much better than those you buy in the store. So, here I am, armed with my sourdough starter, giving these a try! First, you…… Continue reading Sourdough Bagels

Sourdough Pretzels (Take 2!)

This is a different recipe for sourdough pretzels. The recipe I previously used called for yeast. This recipe does not, it has you using only your sourdough starter. If you haven’t checked out the Little Spoon Farm website, you should! Amy has tons of recipes for everything sourdough! Here’s the link to this recipe: In my stand mixer, I…… Continue reading Sourdough Pretzels (Take 2!)

Sourdough Brioche

I found this recipe on Farmhouse on Boone’s site. I tried it once and I was hooked! This bread is the perfect bread for sandwiches or anytime you want something as simple as bread and butter. Here is the link: You need your starter to be active, so make sure you feed it ahead of time so…… Continue reading Sourdough Brioche

Sourdough Donuts

I found this recipe on Farmhouse on Boon’s page. Lisa has a lot of great sourdough recipes and is a great resource if you are starting out in your sourdough journey. Here’s the link for the donuts: I fed my starter after work so it would be ready to use before I went to bed. It takes about…… Continue reading Sourdough Donuts

Easy Sourdough Bread

This sourdough recipe is the easiest one I’ve come across! The recipe is by Ben Starr and the recipe says it is for lazy people. Well, bring it, Ben! LOL! Here is the link to the YouTube video. The recipe is in the description of the video. For this recipe, you use unfed starter. No waiting around for your starter to…… Continue reading Easy Sourdough Bread

Sourdough English Muffins

It’s been a bit since I’ve done anything with sourdough because I let my starter, Fred, die. Life got crazy and I forgot to feed him. Then, I tried to revive him but it was too late. I asked around and was brought a lovely starter! What luck! Just look at that beauty! I’ve named…… Continue reading Sourdough English Muffins

Sourdough Baking: Pullman Bread

As I was looking through my sourdough cookbook, I came across this recipe for Pullman Bread. Click here to see the book: Starter Sourdough: The process to make Pullman bread doesn’t seem to take nearly as long as the regular sourdough boule takes, so I ordered the pan from Amazon and anxiously awaited its…… Continue reading Sourdough Baking: Pullman Bread

Sourdough Crackers: Take II

Well, after the first debacle, I wasn’t so sure about trying this again. But, this recipe looked extremely easy. Could I screw this one up?!?! I guess we’ll find out! You begin by melting 2 tablespoons butter and let it cool a bit. You add sourdough starter that has not been fed. Next, you add…… Continue reading Sourdough Crackers: Take II